Dental Tourism in Turkey: The Affordable Solution for Quality Dental Care

Are you in need of dental treatment but find the cost in your country to be prohibitive? Look no further than dental tourism in Turkey. With its affordable prices and high-quality dental care, Turkey has become a popular destination for individuals seeking dental treatments. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various dental procedures available, the cost savings compared to the UK and USA, and the top dental clinics in Turkey. Get ready to embark on a journey to a beautiful country while getting the dental care you deserve.

Why Choose Dental Tourism in Turkey?

Affordable and High-Quality Dental Treatments

One of the main reasons why dental tourism in Turkey is so appealing is the significant cost savings compared to the UK and USA. Dental treatments in Turkey can be up to 70% cheaper, allowing patients to receive high-quality care at a fraction of the cost. Whether you need dental implants, veneers, root canals, or teeth whitening, Turkey offers a wide range of affordable dental procedures.

Skilled Dentists and Quality Standards

Rest assured that you will be in capable hands when choosing dental treatment in Turkey. The dentists in Turkey are highly skilled and fully qualified, providing excellent care to both local and international patients. The Ministry of Health in Turkey audits healthcare centers twice a year to ensure compliance with service, safety, and quality standards. This commitment to quality ensures optimal outcomes for patients.

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Technology

Turkey’s dental clinics boast state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology, offering the most advanced medical treatments in the world. From digital smile design to 3D scanning and printing, these clinics utilize cutting-edge technology to deliver exceptional results. Combined with the expertise of the dentists, patients can expect top-notch dental care in a modern and comfortable environment.

Tourist Attractions and Hospitality

In addition to receiving quality dental care, patients can also enjoy the rich cultural experiences and tourist attractions that Turkey has to offer. From historical sites and beautiful beaches to vibrant cities and delicious cuisine, Turkey provides a perfect blend of dental treatment and vacation. The country’s warm hospitality and welcoming atmosphere make it an ideal destination for dental tourism.

Dental Procedures and Cost Savings

Turkey offers a wide range of dental procedures at significantly lower costs compared to the UK and USA. Let’s take a closer look at some popular treatments and the potential savings you can enjoy.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular choice for individuals seeking a permanent solution for missing teeth. In Turkey, the cost of a single dental implant starts at €630, compared to €3,100 in the UK and €4,700 in the USA. This translates to savings of around 80%. For those in need of full-arch restoration, the All-on-4 dental implants cost in Turkey is €3,400, while it can reach €15,000 in the UK and €22,500 in the USA. With savings of 80%, dental implants in Turkey offer an affordable and effective solution.

Veneers and Crowns

Veneers and crowns are popular cosmetic dental treatments that can transform your smile. In Turkey, the cost of porcelain veneers starts at €365 per unit, compared to €1,140 in the UK and €2,315 in the USA. Porcelain crowns for implants with an abutment cost €245 in Turkey, while the prices in the UK and USA can reach €800 and €1,300, respectively. With savings of up to 80%, Turkey provides an excellent opportunity to enhance your smile at a fraction of the cost.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is another sought-after cosmetic procedure that can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth. In Turkey, laser teeth whitening costs €340, while the prices in the UK and USA can reach €1,110 and €1,670, respectively. With savings of 75%, teeth whitening in Turkey offers an affordable way to achieve a brighter and more confident smile.

Root Canals and Bridges

For individuals in need of root canals or bridges, Turkey offers cost-effective options. Root canal treatment in Turkey starts at €120, compared to €1,725 in the UK and €1,390 in the USA. This translates to savings of up to 90%. Similarly, the cost of a wisdom tooth extraction in Turkey is €85, while it can reach €835 in the UK and €555 in the USA, resulting in savings of 90%. By choosing dental tourism in Turkey, you can receive the necessary treatments while enjoying significant cost savings.

Other Dental Procedures

Turkey also provides affordable options for a range of other dental procedures, including dentures, fillings, inlays/onlays, orthodontics, and more. The savings can be substantial, with prices in Turkey often 50-80% lower than in the UK and USA. Whether you require composite fillings, Invisalign, or metal braces, Turkey offers competitive prices without compromising on quality.

Dental Packages in Turkey

To make your dental tourism experience in Turkey even more convenient, many clinics offer specialized dental packages that combine treatment with accommodation, transportation, and additional services. These packages are designed to provide a hassle-free experience and ensure that patients receive comprehensive care during their stay. Let’s explore some of the dental packages available:

All-on-4 Dental Implants Package

The All-on-4 dental implants package in Turkey provides a cost-efficient solution for individuals in need of full-arch restoration. This package includes four Straumann Neodent dental implants, temporary teeth (fixed denture), free transfers, hotel stay with bed and breakfast, consultation, 3D dental tomography, local anesthetics, and more. The treatment requires two visits, each lasting 6-7 days within a 3 to 6 months’ time scale. With this package, you can enjoy the benefits of a fixed full-arch prosthesis and significant cost savings.

Veneers and Teeth Whitening Package

If you’re looking to enhance your smile with veneers and teeth whitening, the package offered in Turkey is an excellent option. This package includes six Celtra Duo veneers, free transfers, hotel stay with bed and breakfast, consultation, panoramic X-ray, local anesthetics, laboratory fees, and the dentist’s time and work. The treatment can be completed in a single visit lasting 4 to 5 days, allowing you to achieve a radiant smile while enjoying your stay in Turkey.

Crowns and Teeth Whitening Package

For individuals in need of crowns and teeth whitening, Turkey offers a comprehensive package. This package includes six Celtra Duo crowns, free transfers, hotel stay with bed and breakfast, consultation, panoramic X-ray, local anesthetics, laboratory fees, and the dentist’s time and work. Similar to the veneers package, the treatment can be completed in a single visit of 4 to 5 days. With this package, you can restore the appearance and functionality of your teeth at an affordable price.

Top Dental Clinics in Turkey

When choosing dental tourism in Turkey, it’s essential to select a reputable dental clinic that provides high-quality care. Here are some of the top dental clinics in Turkey:

DentSpa, Istanbul

DentSpa is a highly esteemed clinic in Istanbul known for its personalized treatment plans and same-day dental services. With over 20 years of experience, DentSpa offers a wide range of dental treatments, including dental crowns, invisible orthodontics, and dental implants. The clinic is committed to providing high-quality dental care and has a highly qualified team with a friendly approach.

Turkeyana Beauty Clinic, Istanbul

Turkeyana Beauty Clinic is a renowned beauty clinic in Istanbul that offers a variety of aesthetic treatments, including dental aesthetics and hair transplants. With over a thousand patient reviews and testimonials, Turkeyana Beauty Clinic is highly recommended for its personalized solutions and customer-centric approach. The clinic provides free consultations, transportation, accommodation, and travel planning assistance.

Natural Clinic, Istanbul

Natural Clinic is a leading dental clinic in Istanbul that offers a wide range of dental services, including aesthetic dentistry, dental implants, and orthodontics. The clinic has a qualified team of over 20 dentists and follows international standards and norms to ensure high-quality dental care. Natural Clinic is experienced in treating thousands of patients from around the globe and provides comprehensive dental treatments based on individual needs.

Magic Smile, Antalya

Magic Smile is a reputable dental clinic located in Antalya, known for its exceptional dental care and affordable prices. The clinic offers services such as e-max laminate veneers, dental implants, crowns, root canal treatments, and tooth extractions. Magic Smile takes care of all transportation and hotel needs, ensuring a convenient and comfortable experience for patients.

ClinicExpert, Istanbul

ClinicExpert is an international healthcare hospital based in Istanbul that specializes in surgical and non-surgical aesthetic treatments, including dental aesthetics, hair transplants, and eye surgery. With over 95,000 patients treated from over 150 different countries, ClinicExpert focuses on providing high-quality service and offers private transportation, five-star accommodations, multilingual staff, and after-care support.

Estetik International, Istanbul

Estetik International is a prestigious clinic renowned for its expertise in aesthetic medicine. Led by Dr. Bülent Cihantimur, Estetik International offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic procedures, including dental aesthetics, plastic surgery, and non-invasive treatments. With state-of-the-art facilities and a focus on patient satisfaction, Estetik International delivers exceptional results and personalized care.

DentaTur, Antalya, Marmaris, Fethiye, Istanbul

DentaTur is a leading chain of dental clinics in Turkey, specializing in dental treatments in Antalya, Marmaris, Fethiye, and Istanbul. Each year, their team of professional dentists works with thousands of foreign patients, providing high-quality dental care at affordable prices. DentaTur offers comprehensive package deals that include transfer to/from the airport, hotel accommodation, flight tickets, and dental treatment.


Dental tourism in Turkey offers an affordable and high-quality solution for individuals seeking dental treatments. With significant cost savings, skilled dentists, state-of-the-art facilities, and a wide range of dental procedures, Turkey has become a popular destination for dental care. By choosing dental tourism in Turkey, you can enjoy a beautiful vacation while receiving top-notch dental treatments. Explore the various dental packages and top clinics in Turkey and embark on a journey to a healthier and more confident smile.

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